THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsOur Lord Jesus Christ, The King30 October 2022 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Jesus explained to Pontius Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world. We must be careful to understand that the Kingdom of Jesus is in this world, but it is from Heaven, not from this world. The kingdoms of this world are far beneath the dignity of Jesus. Jesus humbled Himself to take up our human nature, but He did not take up the pride and vanity of our worldly kingdoms.
While we live in this world, the politics of governments, cities, states, and nations are essential. These kingdoms or nations with their various rulers are given to us by God and are necessary for the ordering of society. Our bodies need these physical rulers and their regulations. These kingdoms on earth, however, cannot begin to order our souls correctly. Our souls are much more important than our bodies; therefore, the Kingdom that rules our souls is infinitely superior to the worldly kingdoms that govern our bodies.
The two kingdoms overlap each other, and we find that we have a kind of dual citizenship. The kingdoms of this world indirectly touch upon our souls. The laws governing our worldly behaviors touch upon morality. Evil or immoral laws passed by earthly kingdoms are not to be obeyed. Like our parents, earthly kingdoms must be obeyed in everything except sin. The spiritual or moral laws of the Kingdom of Heaven regulate not only our souls but also our bodies. Our bodies must participate with the soul in worshipping God, praying to Him, loving Him, and loving our neighbors.
Often, we perceive that the worldly kingdoms regulate our bodies by putting limits upon what is or is not permitted, while the Kingdom of Heaven removes all limits on how much we can love God and our neighbors. Worldly kingdoms are restrictive and limited because they are part of this world and will pass away with this world. The Kingdom of Heaven is limitless and open because It is eternal.
St. Augustine says: "He [Jesus] makes a reply which is apt and timely for both Jews and Gentiles; as though He says: 'Hear ye, therefore, both Jews and Gentiles! I do not oppose your rule in this world. What more do you wish? Come, by believing, into the kingdom which is not of this world.' For what is His Kingdom, but those who believe in Him; to whom He says: You are not of this world (Jn. 17. 16); though He willed that they should be in this world. And so, He does not here also say: My kingdom is not in this world, but My kingdom is not of this world. For God has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Col. 1. 13.)."
Jesus showed us that we can bring good from evil kingdoms or evil laws and even from the malevolence of our neighbors. The evils of this world and worldly kingdoms can only physically harm us. The only harm they can bring to our souls is limited by the degree that we allow it. And far from simply limiting the damage to our souls done by the kingdoms of this world, the Kingdom of Heaven enables us to draw eternal happiness from the evils of this world.
The harm directed against us by the citizens, or the rulers of these worldly kingdoms gives us endless opportunities to imitate and follow Jesus. We are given a chance to suffer persecution for Justice's sake. We can follow Jesus in patience and long-suffering. We are allowed to be humble and meek of heart like Jesus. The malevolence of others gives us the chance to love our enemies and to bless those who persecute us. Jesus bears no malice to those who committed evils against Him. He prayed and offered Himself on the Cross for them.
Our sufferings in this world can easily be turned into sacrifices for the love of God and our neighbors. We can build up treasures in Heaven by lovingly and willingly embracing the crosses that the kingdoms of this world force upon us. Those who would be our enemies in this world become our greatest benefactors in the Kingdom of Heaven if we imitate Jesus and use them to our spiritual advantage. Far from hating or seeking revenge upon those who physically harm us, we should bless and pray for them because they provide us with the most remarkable spiritual treasures.
May we never render evil for evil or hatred for hatred in this world. On the contrary, let us always return love and blessings whether the kingdoms of this world give us pleasure or pain. In this way, we truly follow Jesus and make ourselves good citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom.
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